Saturday, March 14, 2009

First Impressions (day 1, Jonathan Casanas)

Arriving in Panama, I wasn't sure what to expect. Yes, we had done our homework, research and studies, yet nothing gives you the impression that is first felt when you find yourself surrounded by a group of individuals, which to you, are foreigners. However, you soon come to the realization that you are the foreigner. Personally, this is my first international trip. The farthest from home I've ever been is Virginia ( I being born in Tampa, fl). Arriving at the Panama airport it was evident that I was no longer in the U.S. The at customs; lack of organization and efficiency that I'm accustomed to in the states, I was told that I should be flexible with whatever I encounter. I'm going to keep this in mind for the duration of this trip. This isn't the U.S., although at sometimes Panama City may closely resemble it.
However, as I am finding out, the Panamanian people are extrememly polite and hospitable. I feel more at home than I expected to. Having grown with hispanic cultural background, I'm finding the behavior of the Panamanian people very familiar. I suspect this would be true in almost in central american/carribean country I visited.
Although the airport had it's headaches, today was amazing! The Embera people! What an interesting culture and piece of Panamanian history. I was thrilled to see a culture so different from my own; the way they dressed, how they spoke, the instruments they played, the houses they lived in, the modes of their transportation, their harmony with the surrounding environment, etc... I find the situation of the Embera people extremely interesting. They are an old culture striving to survive, dependant on the modern ways of life; restrained by government, economy and modern social custom. If it wasnt for torism and more specificaly; ecotourism, I wonder whether or not they would have continued to survived. Like the Kuna people they are dependant on these service industies to continue their way of life.
- j. Casanas

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